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Language & Generative AI for Audio & Video

Transforming Unstructured Data to the Actionable Insights with OneAI

Olga Miroshnyk
Olga Miroshnyk
Jul 14, 2023
3 min read


Think of audio and video as not merely vessels of communication, but rather as vast landscapes filled with hidden insights and untapped opportunities waiting to be discovered. Transforming this data into actionable intelligence is where Language and Generative AI shine. These technologies unlock the value within these landscapes, converting complex heaps of data into meaningful narratives, shining light on the often neglected 'dark data'.

The term 'dark data' is used to describe the mass of information collected and stored by organizations that remains unused or unanalyzed. This includes language data, be it in video or audio formats, lying dormant and yet potentially rich in insights. The advancements in language and generative AI have now made it possible to process and analyze this data, revealing valuable intelligence for decision-making.

Businesses and developers globally are leveraging these powerful AI technologies, and at the forefront of this revolution is OneAI. In this article, we'll explore how OneAI simplifies this process, from transcription to speaker identification, enriched with an array of Language Skills that power large scale language analytics. 

We'll see how it is reshaping the media processing domain, driving change with every piece of data processed.


Unpacking the Power of Language and Generative AI

When it comes to audio and video data processing, two types of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies take the spotlight: Language and Generative AI. Together, they weave an intricate tapestry of capabilities, transforming raw media into valuable insights.

Language AI, also known as Natural Language Processing (NLP), is a branch of AI that focuses on the interaction between humans and computers using natural language. It's like a multilingual linguist, fluent not just in human languages, but also in the tricky dialect of data. With it, machines can interpret, analyze, and even generate human language in a way that's contextually and semantically correct.

In the context of audio and video data, Language AI is akin to the ear and brain of your operations, listening and making sense of the spoken content. It can transcribe spoken words, identify different speakers, detect sentiment, and even translate languages. It turns unstructured audio data into structured text that can be further analyzed or used in a variety of applications.

Generative AI, on the other hand, is the great creator in the AI realm. Like an artist who learns by observing existing masterpieces, Generative AI learns patterns and structures from input data, and then generates new, original content that mirrors the learned structure.

In the realm of audio and video, Generative AI takes Language AI's output a step further. For instance, from a transcription provided by Language AI, Generative AI can generate a concise summary, create tags or categories, or even write a full article or report. Essentially, Generative AI can create a multitude of novel content that adds layers of value to the original media input.

The marriage of Language AI and Generative AI in processing audio and video data results in a compelling toolkit. With them, businesses can unlock the hidden insights within their media, transforming hours of footage or recordings into valuable, actionable information. Their combined capabilities create a pipeline that takes raw, unstructured data and refines it into polished insights, ready to drive informed decision-making.

To truly appreciate the depth and breadth of these technologies, we invite you to read our in-depth articles on Language AI and Generative AI. These resources provide a deeper understanding of the technologies that are reshaping our interaction with audio and video data.

Navigating the process of transforming unstructured audio and video data into actionable intelligence can feel like traversing an unfamiliar path. To illuminate this journey, let's break it down into digestible steps.

Step 1: Transcription in the AI Era

Imagine the magnitude of spoken information circulating in the world each day - board meetings, customer service calls, lectures, podcasts, interviews, the list goes on. Now, picture that information, not as fleeting moments lost to time, but as a reusable, analyzable resource. This is the power of transcription in the AI era.

Transcription - the process of converting spoken language into written text - is not new. However, it has been transformed by AI technologies, making it more accessible, accurate, and adaptable than ever before. Traditionally, transcriptions were handled by humans, laboriously typing out each word from an audio or video recording. Today, thanks to AI, transcription can be automated, capable of handling large volumes of data at lightning speed.

But transcription is not just about taking dictation. It's about making audio and video data searchable, analyzable, and accessible. Consider a podcast - once transcribed, its content can be searched for keywords, making it easier for users to find and consume relevant content. For businesses, this can translate into better customer engagement, improved search engine optimization, and higher visibility.

In customer service, transcriptions of call records can be analyzed to determine customer sentiment, detect recurring issues, or even uncover new market opportunities. Transcriptions also enhance accessibility, making content more inclusive for individuals with hearing impairments.

Transcription is the crucial first step in the data processing pipeline, transforming spoken content into a structured format that can be further processed and analyzed. It lays the groundwork for deeper analysis and richer insights, turning the spoken word into data with untold potential.

In this AI era, transcription is not just a convenience. It's a powerful tool, enabling businesses to harness the potential of their audio and video data, and transforming spoken information into a tangible asset.

Step 2: Audio Intelligence

In the thick forest of voluminous audio and video data, a clear path emerges with OneAI, a robust Language AI platform diligently built for businesses and developers. It's designed to prioritize transparency, alignment with source documents, and ensures a consistent, scalable output. Crucially, it aims to mitigate AI 'hallucinations', steering clear of generating inaccurate or misleading information.

This isn't a standard, off-the-shelf platform. OneAI is all about tuning top-tier AI capabilities to specifically cater to the needs of its users. Its mission is to equip businesses and developers with the means to analyze and process text, audio, and video data at an unparalleled scale.

The transcription workhorse within OneAI's toolkit is the Whisper model. It's been trained on a sizable 680,000 hours of diverse, multilingual, and multitask data. This extensive training allows it to effectively convert a wide array of speech into text.

But the value that OneAI offers goes beyond transcription. The real magic happens when the transcribed data is then processed by OneAI's suite of pre-trained Language Skills, enabling deeper analysis and extraction of meaningful insights from the text.

Step 3: Unlocking Insights with OneAI's Diverse Language Skills

With over twenty unique Language Skills in its repertoire, OneAI offers an expansive range of capabilities. From the 'Summarize' skill that condenses lengthy texts into their most essential points, to 'Emotions' and 'Sentiments' skills that detect underlying feelings within a given text. Even GPT, the skill that guides the construction of dynamic prompts, is part of this impressive lineup. These skills aren't confined to processing audio and video data but also span diverse formats, including PDFs, HTML resources, and more.

Consider an application of these skills, such as when dealing with a dense business conference video. The 'Split by topic' skill neatly categorizes varied subject matter, while the 'Highlights' skill zeroes in on key points within each topic, delivering a concise summary. This integration of skills enables a rapid and efficient breakdown of extensive information, freeing businesses to focus on strategic decision-making.

Additionally, OneAI's transcription capabilities extend beyond the Whisper model. With multiple transcription engines tailored for specific use cases, the platform ensures the optimal solution for every unique need.

Harnessing these capabilities, businesses can convert their wealth of unstructured data into valuable insights, drive strategic decisions, and unlock new opportunities, all tuned to their specific needs. With OneAI, the potential is limitless.

Step 4: Large-scale language analytics

The ability to manage and analyze millions of text, audio, and video inputs sets OneAI apart. By applying language analytics at a grand scale, it transforms a vast pool of language inputs into meaningful hierarchical groups. This clustered data structure paves the way for comprehensive analytics or automated actions based on querying new inputs against the structured data.

Under the umbrella of large-scale language analytics, we delve into three major areas:

Understanding Your Users: OneAI empowers businesses to dynamically cluster language data based on its inherent meaning. This helps detect recurring themes, requests, questions, and complaints. The analysis isn't limited to the surface level; it delves into the depths of your audio and video data, unraveling valuable insights and trends that might have been overlooked otherwise.

Generating Insights: By extracting insights from your language data, OneAI allows for trend detection over time and by topic. It enables the generation of high-level reports on user discussions and their sentiment towards specific topics. This goes beyond traditional analytics, providing a nuanced understanding of how your users interact with and feel about your product or service.

Automation with Meaning-Based Search and Classification: OneAI's ability to classify incoming text items based on your existing data is a game-changer. It ensures that every piece of incoming information is duly considered and acted upon in line with its significance. Additionally, OneAI allows for a search of your language data collections for items with similar meanings, adding a new level of convenience and efficiency to your data management processes.

Large-scale language analytics with OneAI ensures you're not just dealing with data, but leveraging it to its full potential, whether you're refining your product, improving your service, or tailoring your content to your audience's needs. This is the power of transforming unstructured audio and video data into actionable insights.

Real-World Applications

As we delve into the multifaceted applications of OneAI, we find that it caters to an impressive range of business sectors, each with their unique needs and challenges. From sales-tech, e-commerce, CRM systems, social media platforms, HR tech, publishers, healthcare, and many more - OneAI steps in to streamline operations, generate insights, and elevate user experiences.

In a transformative collaboration, OneAI empowered AcmeVid, a leading video production platform, to integrate robust language analytics and generative AI capabilities into their system. Addressing complexities like multi-language handling, extensive video analysis, and AI hallucinations prevention, OneAI provided a comprehensive solution through a unified Pipeline API gateway. This approach incorporated Whisper+ transcription, AI-driven prompt refinement, video highlights extraction, and automatically generated questionnaires and quizzes. The result was a significant boost in user engagement, profound insights into content comprehension, and an enriched environment for creators to optimize their content across various platforms.

Now, let's turn our attention to the OneAI Language Studio and see the Skills library in action. As an illustrative example, we'll use a scientific video titled "How did the universe begin?" and employ an approach similar to what we implemented for AcmeVid. The pipeline will include the following steps:

Whisper+ Transcription: To begin, we'll use Whisper+ to transcribe the video's audio into written text. Whisper+ accurately captures spoken words, forming the foundation for the subsequent analysis.

Split by Topic: The transcribed text is then segmented by topic. This step helps to structure the content, breaking it down into meaningful chunks related to different aspects of the subject matter.

Highlights Extraction: Using OneAI’s video highlights extraction feature, we identify and extract the most critical and engaging segments from the video. These highlights offer a concise overview of the video and are valuable for both viewers and content creators.

GPT for Main Conclusions: Finally, we'll use the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) model with a specific prompt: “Please generate main conclusions based on the highlights.” The GPT model will then process the highlighted segments and generate key conclusions that encapsulate the essence of the video content.

Through these stages, we see how OneAI’s capabilities can be harnessed to transform a complex scientific video into an easily digestible, engaging, and informative piece.


With the power of OneAI's Language and Generative AI capabilities, transforming unstructured audio and video data into structured, valuable insights becomes a reality. This technology is revolutionizing the way businesses operate, interact with customers, and make decisions, by shedding light on the hidden potentials of dark data.

With our innovative technology, we are paving the way for businesses to leap into the future, carving out competitive edges from the raw material of unstructured data. Unleash the power of insights and make every piece of data count with OneAI. Your game-changing move is a click away.

Unlock Insights with OneAI

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