Amit Ben, Founder & CEO

Amit Ben

Co-Founder & CEO

Amit’s passion for language technologies started at age 5, coding on an XT machine. Since then he’s been on a mission to make human-level language AI accessible to all.

Amit co-founded NanoRep, sold it to LogMeIn (LOGM), and then joined LogMeIn to lead its AI lab, developing the AI tech that powers products such as GoToMeeting and LastPass.

When Francisco Partners acquired LogMeIn it was time to hit the entrepreneurial road again and continue to fulfill his mission to make Language AI integral and natural in everyday life, founding OneAI.

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Aviv Dror, Founder & CTOAviv Dror, Founder & CTO

Aviv Dror

Co-Founder & CPO

Aviv met Amit in computer class at age 5. While focused on his social activism as a teenager, Aviv began studying for his BSC in Computer Science at age 15.

But Aviv’s true passion lies in excel tables, budgets and contracts, and while co-founding NanoRep he scaled operations, bringing NLP-based chatbots to top brands who chose NanoRep’s offering over IBM Watson and Google.

After the NanoRep acquisition, Aviv led WalkMe’s (WKME) desktop product from concept to global sales, with numerous Fortune 500 companies as clients.

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Asi Sheffer, Founder & CSO

Asi Sheffer

Co-Founder & CSO

Asi’s life quest is to understand the interaction between the mind and reality.

Asi started reading Hume, Descartes and Locke in elementary school, and shortly after added Turing’s work to his readings, feeding his passion for developing novel approaches that mimic human cognitive systems in linguistics, generalization, and multi-domain learning.

Asi’s years in the academy and industry, working with both enterprises such as IBM and LogMeIn and numerous startups, helped formulate OneAI’s vision – to build human inspired AI for everyone.

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Yochai Levi, Founder & CTO

Yochai Levi

Co-Founder & CMO

With 25 years of experience as an executive and marketing professional, Yochai possesses a natural entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for exploring new ideas and uncharted territories.

This creativity enables him to develop innovative solutions both in and outside of the business world.

His extensive background in executive roles at companies such as Kasamba, LivePerson (LPSN), Conduit, and WeWork (WE) has prepared him well for his current position, where he utilizes his skills to help businesses harness the power of the world's best Language AI technology in their products.

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