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Generate Video Highlights

Enhance Videos with through AI-Powered Tactics

Nov 14, 2022
3 min read

Today mediums are consumed in one of three forms- text, audio, and visual. Video content is a choice medium for both consumers and businesses, however they require a lot of work. From producing to editing, taking the extra steps to maximize your content and boost your SEO can be done with ease.

Video highlights are one of the most effective ways to capture important insights without waiting to collect all the information from scratch. This allows consumers to instantly synthesize and understand findings.

Instead of watching the entire video and picking out moments we think might be the best, let AI do the job for us. Utilizing the OneAI Language Studio we can not only pick out highlights from our video within minutes, but we can also transcribe our audio- boosting our SEO and accessibility for users. 


Language Studio:

First, let’s jump to OneAI’s Language Studio

The studio (pictured below) allows us to easily process our content- whether it’s text, audio or video. The tool input is where you can enter your audio, alongside it is the pipeline box which includes all our Language Skills.

Underneath the pipeline box, you can see the Language Skills, which are different ways we can apply the AI to the content. There are different Skills we can apply, such as ‘Summarize,’ ‘Proofread,’ ‘Names’, etc. 

Generate Video Highlights

For today’s tutorial we’ll be using this TedTalk video, we’ll be downloading it as an audio using this website.

After downloading, let’s head over to the Language Studio and upload the audio file. Once you do this ‘Transcribe Audio’ will automatically be placed in the pipeline. Then we can go ahead and double-click or drag the ‘Highlights’ Skill to our pipeline. Then go ahead and click ‘Run Pipeline’ and here are our results:

Generate Video Highlights One AI

And there you have it. We successfully transcribed and created highlights for our video which in turn can help boost your business. 

We don’t have to stop here. The different Skills in our Language Studio can help boost our video even more such as tagging or creating a summary. 

Generate Video Highlights One AI Studio

Notice the “+” sign next to the highlights skill. Clicking on it will allow us to process our video with different skills. Let’s add the ‘Topics’ and ‘Summarize’ Skills

Generate Video Highlights One AI

And just like that- AI summarized and added tags to our video.  Now we can go ahead and copy our code into our code editor. 

In the Code Editor:

Step 1: Pick one of the generated codes you need to your code editor (click here to generate your own API key):

Generate Video Highlights One AI API

Step 2: Run “pip install oneai” for Python SDK or “npm install oneai” for Node.js SDK to get the library. Make sure to import all the required packages:


import oneai

import base64

oneai.api_key = "[YOUR ONEAI API KEY]"





[00:00:06.230] speaker 1:

All right.

[00:00:08.630] speaker 1:

So, I remember the first time I left home.

[00:00:12.590] speaker 1:

I was only about 5 years old and my sister and I had gotten into an argument.

[00:00:19.070] speaker 1:

I don't remember what about.

[00:00:21.230] speaker 1:

But I remember being so mad that I clenched my little fists and said, that's it.

[00:00:26.870] speaker 1:

I'm running away and I'm never coming back.

[00:00:31.250] speaker 1:

So I ran to my room and the only luggage I could find was this little red plastic briefcase.

[00:00:38.450] speaker 1:

And in it, I packed all my things, stormed out the front door, and traveled all the way to the end of the block.

[00:00:47.030] speaker 1:

And when I got there, guess what happened?

[00:00:49.430] speaker 1:

I was bored.

[00:00:51.770] speaker 1:

A few minutes is a long journey for a 5 year old.

[00:00:55.970] speaker 1:

So I went home and started unpacking my things.

[00:00:59.810] speaker 1:

And I remember my intention in that frustrated moment was to run away and never come back.

[00:01:06.710] speaker 1:

And so I would assume that I had packed everything I needed to live and survive in this little red plastic briefcase.

[00:01:15.770] speaker 1:

And so I don't remember why I packed the things I did.

[00:01:19.310] speaker 1:

But I remember on clicking the little latches, opening it up and seeing 5 pairs of clean underwear.

[00:01:29.270] speaker 1:

That's all I thought I needed as a 5 year old to live.

[00:01:33.590] speaker 1:

5 pairs of underwear.

[00:01:35.690] speaker 1:

I was running away to a utopia world where no one could make me wear a shirt or pants.

[00:01:44.030] speaker 1:

So as an adult, I still run away from home a lot.

[00:01:49.190] speaker 1:

Instead of a little briefcase, I pack a backpack.

[00:01:52.610] speaker 1:

And I've also accumulated more than just underwear.

[00:01:56.270] speaker 1:

I pack my basic needs a tent, warm clothing, a pot, food, water, a mini stove, I also carry things I don't really need to live, but which I enjoy, like my camera, computer, and more.

[00:02:11.990] speaker 1:

Still, I find it empowering to know that everything I need to live and be happy.

[00:02:17.210] speaker 1:

I could carry on my own back with my own two feet.

[00:02:21.230] speaker 1:

It gives me a sense of freedom, mobility, I find much happiness living simply with few things.

[00:02:30.470] speaker 1:

So I began retracing my journey to happiness, and I found a pattern, a pattern by which I had been living most of my life, whether I was conscious of it or not.

[00:02:41.390] speaker 1:

Minimalism by its simplest definition, minimalism means less is more.

[00:02:49.070] speaker 1:

One purpose of minimalism is to get rid of the things in life that distractions that we don't truly need to find more of the things that bring us happiness.

[00:02:59.630] speaker 1:

We can apply this idea less is more to all aspects of our life.

[00:03:04.430] speaker 1:

Material possessions, health and diet, our work, and non material things like thoughts.

[00:03:11.870] speaker 1:

When we practice minimalism, we could benefit with more time, more energy, more money, more freedom, and ultimately more happiness.

[00:03:27.350] speaker 1:

As a minimalist in college, I was only concerned with material things.

[00:03:34.550] speaker 1:

And I decided to live an experimental semester homeless.




```[x.value for x in transcription.transcription.highlights]```

```['I lived mostly in libraries, studying, and I would couch surf among Friends, sometimes I slept in the libraries, but what I learned is that with less possessions, less distractions, fewer showers, I had my most productive semester.',

'And in it, I packed all my things, stormed out the front door, and traveled all the way to the end of the block.',

'And I trained for my first marathon, which I ran four months later, and under four hours.',

'I was only about 5 years old and my sister and I had gotten into an argument.',

'I have 52 more vacation days a year.', "And I had learned a new form of minimal, new form of minimalism, minimalism of the non material, with things like communication, when I first arrived, I didn't know any Spanish.", 'I tried eating a plant based diet.',

'And so I worked on my mind with minimalism.', 'And so for 6 months, at these natural health Institutes, I experimented with my diet.', 'So as an adult, I still run away from home a lot.',

'So after Puerto Rico, I went to Chile to teach English.',

'So, I remember the first time I left home.',

'So I ran to my room and the only luggage I could find was this little red plastic briefcase.',

'He starts documenting everything he spends his money on.', 'Instead of a little briefcase, I pack a backpack.',

"I've traveled from Alaska to Patagonia and some of my best travel stories are these simple moments of gratitude.",

'And so I would assume that I had packed everything I needed to live and survive in this little red plastic briefcase.',

"But when we practice minimalism, we give ourselves the opportunity to appreciate the things we have before they're gone completely."]```


```[x.value for x in transcription.transcription.topics]```

```['Life', 'Minimalism', 'Money', 'Mind', 'Diet', 'Home', 'Thoughts', 'Food', 'Gratitude', 'Happiness', 'Health']```



```'Speaker 1 left home when he was 5 years old. He packed his things in a red plastic briefcase and travelled by car to the end of the block. In college, he lived mostly in libraries, studying, and sleeping in the libraries. Now, as an adult, he travels by backpack. After leaving home in Puerto Rico, speaker 1 went to Chile to teach English. There, he found a new form of minimalism, where he ate less processed foods, meat, dairy, and less fruits and vegetables. He also started running.'```


From podcasts to TedTalks to Company Introduction Videos, adding highlights can help improve our reach and the content itself. Utilizing OneAI’s Language Studio to do this for us makes it simple and efficient.

Welcome to the Language Studio, where you can share your thoughts and check out other useful skills.

Highlight Videos with OneAI

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